SENSOPAC's scientific work divided into five modules, covering the different aspects of the project.
The overall result of this module is to understand how humans and animals integrate sensory information to form beliefs about the world, how this information is modulated by the active exploration process, and how these processes form a framework for active perception.
This module addressed the question as to how we can automatically detect and represent structure in high-dimensional sensorimotor maps under dynamically changing context.
This module developed an artificial arm-hand system to provide a rich motor domain for haptic cognition. The arm-hand system follows strong anthropomorphic principles to match the complexity of real-world haptic cognition.
This module models the biological mechanisms in sufficient detail to allow artificial bio-inspired haptic cognitive systems to scale to the complexity of the real world.
The final module of SENSOPAC integrates all the above in a number of demonstrators, shown in the Video section of this webpage.